Bible and Theology

The Bible and theological reflection help us probe questions of ultimate concern in our existence in this world.

Signposts from a Divided world:

Where is god in contemporary culture?


March 19, 2019


Court Square Theater, Harrisonburg

Dr. Craig Bartholomew will present "Where is God in Contemporary Culture?  Craig is the Director of the Kirby Laing Institute for Christian Ethics in Cambridge, England. More information about Craig Bartholomew can be found here.

SignPosts from a suffering world: 

How God Reveals HImself Despite Everything

N.T. Wright

November 13, 2018

Memorial Hall, James Madison University

Looking at human aspirations toward beauty, truth, justice, freedom, power, relationships, and spirituality, and at our broken experiences with each of these aspects of the world, Prof. Wright ponders how these function as signposts, pointing us to God and especially to the new creation inaugurated through the cross of Jesus Christ.

N.T. Wright, Professor of New Testament and Early Christianity at University of St. Andrews, is an internationally respected New Testament scholar and eloquent spokesman for the Christian faith. He has published scores of books for both scholarly and general audiences. 

You can view Prof. Wright's address by clicking here.

You can view the Q & A session following the lecture here.

Is the Bible Accurate?:

Are the Four Christian Gospel Manuscripts Reliable?

Aubrey Spears

October 5, 2011

Clementine Cafe, Harrisonburg

The Christian faith requires belief in the Bible. This is a stumbling block for many people who believe the Bible is scientifically impossible, historically unreliable, and culturally regressive. This Café Veritas explored the evidence for and challenges against the historical accuracy of the Bible.

Aubrey Spears is the Rector of the Church of the Incarnation and a Fellow in Practical Theology for the St. George's Centre for Biblical and Public Theology.

You can listen to this event by clicking here.